
Good old fashioned detail*

22 October 2010

This is an old post, so may include broken links and/or out-of-date information

Mad Men. What a show.

There aren't many (any?) other TV programmes this good and, I think, what I find especially exceptional about it is the incredible attention to detail that's been put into making everything appear authentic and absolutely of its time. The very first episode kicks off in 1960 and everything looks, sounds and feels like 1960. It is 1960.

Or is it …

Recently, Kris pointed me in the direction of a piece written by designer Mark Simonson about the (mainly anachronistic) use of typography in the show; it's a great read if you're into Mad Men and type design.

I put together this graphic using some of the typefaces mentioned in the piece, showing the dates each were actually designed.

Oh; whoops!

So, perhaps there's not quite as much scrutiny about every single designed detail as I'd first thought – but it's certainly not going to ruin my enjoyment of the show and really, who's going to notice, eh?

*aka 'Designers are an observant bunch'.

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